Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

how to climax

how to climax it becomes possible, for you and your partner.

Trying many things at once
Not a few women have the adventure that is not less exciting sex with men. Try to introduce her new position and how to tell sex fantasy. Slowly but surely, start with soft demand and beraksilah sentence in the comfort of the couple.
Too bossy
Communicate your sexual desire is crucial to a good sex life. The goal, to struggle to flow well and feeling comfortable.
Do not shout your desire as a boss in his subordinates. Because sex should be fun and carefree.
Try speaking softly. Communicate your sexual desire in the eyes full of romance, touch her gently, and see his reaction. Good approach would be fruitful either.
Forgetting sensitive zone
You surely know that a woman's body packed zone stimulation. Maximize all or part of this zone in order to prepare his body to reach the peak of pleasure together.

How, kissed her neck and shoulders while running your fingers on her back. Then, point also in the thighs and feet.

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