Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

Penawaran Khusus Dijual di 2010
Resort Pulau Gili Gede Rahasia Kepulauan Lombok Barat,.

Pulau resor rahasia seperti ditunjukkan pada gambar terletak pada titik selatan Gili Gede sebuah pulau di Lombok.It hanya 500 meter dari pantai Lombok Tembowong. Ini 3 properti melihat sisi laut memberikan lokasi yang sangat baik bagi pengunjung dan pihak swasta untuk benar-benar menikmati, dan banyak lagi "Air Sport" seperti snorkeling, memancing, bepergian dan lainnya. Kami menawarkan tempat ini khusus untuk yang memiliki visi yang baik dalam usaha seperti Ciputra Corp Tempat ini adalah meletakkan pada 6840 adalah daerah.
penawaran ini mengandung banyak akomodasi dan fasilitas untuk mendukung para pengunjung inginkan. Berikut adalah fasilitas yang kami jual:
1. 1 Villa Batu ukuran 8,6 x 13,5 m yang memiliki 2 kamar buruk, dapur (mini bar), dan ruang tamu (setiap ruang yang buruk telah kamar mandi di dalam)
2. 2 ruangan yang buruk di bawah Batu Villa (setiap kamar memiliki kamar mandi yang buruk di dalam)
3. 7 kamar standar ukuran buruk 5 x 4 m (masing-masing memiliki kamar mandi di dalam)
4. 1 Bungalow ukuran 7 x 4,5 m di atas bukit
5. 1 Toko ukuran 7,4 x 4,4 m
6. 1 Bungalow di Doc atas laut, ukuran 4 x 6 memiliki ruang 1 buruk dalam
7. 1 Kayu Villa (Villa kayu), ukuran 12x12 yang memiliki 3 tangga (Private House). mengandung:
- Pertama tangga memiliki kamar 2 buruk
- Tangga kedua memiliki 2 kamar yang buruk, dapur, ruang makan dan ruang tamu yang memiliki pemandangan baik ke laut
- Tangga Ketiga adalah ruang terbuka
8. 1 Restoran, ukuran 12,5 x12, 5 yang memiliki 1 ruang untuk kantor menaiki tangga, dapur di tangga bawah.
9. 4 kayak atau canoo (Kano) dari fibrglas
10. 1 set meja bermain bilyard
11. 1 Genset Mitshubisi mesin untuk 20 ribu Watt
12. 1 Genset Donpeng mesin untuk 10.000 Watt
13. 1 Fiberglas perahu (Virscor) ukuran 4,5 x1, 8 mesin tidak
14. 1 Fiberglas speed boat (Scorpio) ukuran 8,50 x2, 40 m dengan mesin Yamaha 85 PK
15. 1 Garasi terletak di pantai tembowong atas pulau resor rahasia Gili Gede yang memiliki luas 1.200 m.
16. Termasuk:
- Ijin Subsidiaries
- Ijin Perairan membangun untuk Artikel Diatas udara Laut (Doc)

Itu semua kami menawarkan bagi Anda untuk dijual dengan harga Rp 20 M. Saya harap Anda tidak kehilangan kesempatan ini untuk membuat impian Anda menjadi kenyataan karena tempat ini sangat menarik.
Jika Anda ingin meminta informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi atau sms nomor ini:
085258417726 (cp Imam Bukhari) atau kirimkan melalui email di tamanchohebat@yahoo.com
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan gambar (foto) tentang profil resor pulau rahasia Anda dapat melihat di http://www.secretislandresort.com/
Kami harap Anda tidak kehilangan penawaran ini khusus, terima kasih untuk waktu Anda dan kami menunggu untuk Anda segera.

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Honda CB transform So Super Sport Motorcycle

Honda CB transform So Super Sport Motorcycle

Honda CB transform So Super Sport Motorcycle
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Adhi Prasetyo - Okezone

TOKYO - Honda is still remembered with a form of CB? Motors that have been successful since the era of the '70s is now ready to change radically. Do not imagine Honda CB in the form of retro, now it looks really sporty.
But Honda was introduced in the form of motor concepts. they named 2015 Honda CB 750.
As reported by Topspeed on Thursday (05/28/2009), very radical changes compared to previous generations of CB. Igor Chak is a reliable design of this latest CB. No more "face" retro on this bike. Instead a set of typical body super sport motorcycles. Handlebar position made down, single swing arm, as well as super wide tires make the CB really different than previous generations.
Not until the ref machine sector also experienced a complete overhaul. 4-cylinder liquid-hydrogen engine with six-speed manual level, would seem to make the power of CB jumped dramatically. Yet there has been no official explanation how the maximum power that can be produced by the motor.
The technicians say, all components of the motor is set to use a computer, including suspension systems. This system will change all the settings according to the characteristics of motorcycle riders. "The sensor will be to update the motor setting changes every 1 / 10 seconds, even when the motor is running," said the designer.

Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

The Secret Island Resort Gili Gede, West Lombok Islands

Special Offering For Sale in 2010
The Secret Island Resort Gili Gede, West Lombok Islands.

The secret island resort like shown in the picture is located on the south point of Gili Gede an island in Lombok.It is only 500 meters from Tembowong Lombok beach. This 3 side ocean view property provides an excellent location for visitor and private parties to truly enjoy, and many more “ Water Sport “ like snorkeling , fishing, travelling and others. We offering this special place for whose have good vision in bussines like Ciputra Corp. This place is laying on 6840 are area .
This offering is contain a lot of accommodations and facilities to support the visitors wants. Here are the facilities we sale :
1. 1 Villa Batu size 8,6 x 13,5 m wich have 2 bad room , kitchen ( mini bar ), and living room (each bad room have bath room inside)
2. 2 bad room under the Villa Batu (each bad room have bath room inside)
3. 7 standart bad room size 5 x 4 m ( each have bath room inside )
4. 1 Bungalow size 7 x 4,5 m on the top of hills
5. 1 Shop size 7,4 x 4,4 m
6. 1 Bungalow on the Doc over the sea , size 4 x 6 have 1 bad room inside
7. 1 Wood Villa (Villa kayu), size 12x12 wich have 3 stairs ( Private House) . it contain :
- First stair have 2 bad room
- Second stair have 2 bad room, kitchen, dining room and living room wich have good view to the sea
- Third stair is open room
8. 1 Restaurant , size 12,5x12,5 wich have 1 room for office up stairs, kitchen in down stairs.
9. 4 kayak or canoo ( Kano) from fibrglas
10. 1 set bilyard table
11. 1 Genset Mitshubisi machine for 20 thousand Watt
12. 1 Genset Donpeng machine for 10 thousand Watt
13. 1 Fiberglas boat ( Virscor) size 4,5x1,8 no machine
14. 1 Fiberglas speed boat (Scorpio) size 8,50x2,40 m by Yamaha 85 Pk machine
15. 1 Garage located at tembowong beach over the secret island resort Gili Gede wich have 1200 m area.
16. Include :
- Ijin lokasi
- Ijin Perairan untuk membangun diatas air laut (Doc)

That all we offering for you to sale by price Rp 20 M. I hope you not lose this chance to make your dream come true because this beautiful place was very exciting.
If you want to ask more information please call or sms this number :
085258417726 (c.p. IMAM BUKHARI) or send by email at tamanchohebat@yahoo.com
For more information and picture( photo) about the secret island resort profile you can see at http://www.secretislandresort.com/
We hope you not lose this special offering , thank you for your time and we waiting for you soon.

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Various Myths care baby

Various Myth:
* Newborns should fit so that his stomach was not bloated octopus / large
What is clear, as explained Adi Tagor, walls of baby's stomach is still weak. Volume organs do not comply with the chest cavity and abdominal cavity that exists. Because up to five months in the womb, these organs continue to grow, while the place is very limited. Moreover, a small hip women. Sockets can not grow, while the organs continue to grow. Likewise, if the baby has started eating solid food. If the baby is using an octopus, hence the room for the growth of these organs is inhibited.
If the mother still insists on putting on an octopus, is okay. Origin bonding the top undone, so that the heart and lungs can expand. When the octopus is used for baseball bulging baby belly button, then guritanya fit is just around the navel and the knots loose. Or an octopus may be used for several days during umbilical cord has not whistle, given the possibility of the mother's fear of further friction in the process of healing scars umbilical cord.
* Once whistle cord, the navel of the baby must be crushed with metal coins that are not bulging belly
Actually no need. Especially if her belly button was not protruding. If it was bulging, it's okay given chips on top. Origin navel baby should be given a sterile gauze changed every day and pulled back. Basically, there are babies born with bulging indeed have talent. Because of the "window" to the navel has not completely closed when he was born.
* Newborns should not bandy legs dibedong order (shaped like the letter X or O)
Actually the purpose Swaddling mother so the baby can sleep in peace. Until the age of 6 months, your baby has what is called reflex shock (MORO). Well, if bedong worn loose, so when the reflex that happens, the baby will feel like there was a hug so he could sleep again.

Just keep in mind, bedong can make the baby's blood circulation disrupted because the heart pumps blood work became very heavy. As a result, babies are often sick around the lungs or airway. In addition, bedong also can inhibit motor development of the baby because her hands and feet do not get many opportunities to move. Bedong should done only after the baby is being bathed or when the cold weather to keep it from cold air. Too loose to wear.
To note, the use bedong absolutely nothing to do with the formation of the foot. "All of a newborn baby's feet are crooked. You see, in the stomach there is no enough room for baby to stretch legs. So the time of birth, his leg is still crooked," explained Adi Tagor.
In these countries get enough sunlight, such as Indonesia, said Adi Tagor, no foot X or O. Because the skin can make vitamin D3 for bone formation from the sun. That there are people suffering from leg because of illness X or O on the parathyroid gland. These glands regulate levels and calcium absorption and bone formation. So, if bone formation is blocked, surely he would have a foot X or O.
* Babies should not be worn on the left / right mother / father with waist leg position father / mother, because it can make bandy legs
Not true. It's okay baby is carried in this way and back home head propped up so the baby was thrown to the back (Read For Safe And Comfortable In his arms, Nakita No. 09/I/5 June 1999, pp. 10-11, Red .. )
* Pamali bathing the infant after 3 o'clock in the afternoon. So baby be bathed only once a day. Even assuming there was a new baby can be bathed after 40 days
This assumption is not entirely wrong, if he meant to prevent the baby into the wind. But if it is to maintain the health of infants, should be bathed at least two times a day. Since the baby is born even been allowed to bathe, do not have to wait until 40 days.
When the time is right, free mothers decide. Usually in the first months of a baby being bathed at 9:30 to 10:00. Furthermore, generally at around 08:00 to 10:00. While the afternoon, depending on the temperature of the room or before the afternoon wind. The important note, do not bathe the baby after she was given a drink, because it is usually given a drink as soon as the baby will sleep.
To avoid something undesirable, such as colds, there are some important things to note before bathing the baby:
1. Use warm water with temperatures roughly between 35-38 degrees C. How to measure it, dip the mother's elbow into the water. Never use the palm or the back of his hand.
2. Do not just use any soap. Use a special soap for babies (can be chosen in the form of solid soap or liquid baby soap) containing pro-vitamin B5 to baby's skin clean, smooth, and healthy.
* Mother and baby should not leave the house or doing the activity before 40 days from delivery
Ultimately there is no such imperative. But usually you still need time to recuperate after giving birth. Meanwhile, the baby is still too small to travel long distances.
From a scientific aspect, according to Adi Tagor, this is justified. Because the baby is still very weak immunity when he was under 40 days. He entered the collection should be avoided humans. Unfortunately, many mothers are still ignoring this. For example, the infant was taken to the mall. "Actually, should not be. Because the mall is air-filled center of the virus. The mall is a large closed-shell where the air is recycled, with all bacteria and viruses, which only cooled and then sprayed back." Thus, under one year should not bring babies to the mall except for emergencies and only briefly.
* Hands and feet should always be covered with baby gloves / feet
Actually no problem, as long glove fit when the air is cold. Or when the infant was left to prevent not injured when he reached for his face. Beyond that, the baby should not have to fit the use of gloves because gloves would likely reduce the sense of taste development in infants. Important note, infants know the world at first through the five senses. One of them was your sense of taste / touch.
* Nails should not cut the baby before the baby was aged 40 days
This prohibition may be more due to fears of injuring the skin fingers / legs of the baby when the mother cutting her nails. In fact, if the mother did carefully and by using special baby nail scissors, then the "accident" can be avoided.
So, in fact permissible, kok, cutting the baby nails. Origin of caution. In fact, says Adi Tagor, if need be filed after the cut. In fact if not cut, it is feared that the long nails will scratch the face or even on the cornea. If you have been hit by the cornea, can not be cured, lo.
* 3 day old baby had to be given rice mashed with bananas
Scientifically, this is wrong. Therefore, gut babies at this age do not have enzymes capable of digesting carbohydrates and plant fibers are so high.

Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Origin of all things is Mubah
BASIC first set of Islam, is this: that God created something of origin is lawful and permissible. None are forbidden, except because there is a legitimate and explicit passages from syari '(which is authorized to make law itself, namely Allah and His Messenger) that mengharamkannya. If there is no passage of legitimate - for example, because there are some weak hadith - or there is no explicit passages (sharih) showing haram, then it remains as it came from, that is permissible.
Islamic scholars basing its provisions, that everything is permissible origin, as mentioned above, with the proposition verses of the Koran which, among others:
"He was the substance that makes for what you have on this earth, everything." (Al-Baqarah: 29)
"(God) has made it easier for you what is in heaven and what-what on earth all of it." (Al-Jatsiyah: 13)
"Know ye not that Allah has made it easier for you what is in the heavens and what is in the earth: and he hath perfected for you blessings and sustenance visible or invisible." (Luqman: 20)
God will not make this everything handed to humans and dikurniakannya, then He himself mengharamkannya. If not, why would he make, he submitted to the people and He kurniakannya?
Some things that God forbade it, precisely because there is reason and wisdom, which - God willing - will be mentioned later.
Thus arena forbidden in Islamic law it is actually very narrow, and in fact is these kinds of kosher arena is extensive. This is precisely these passages are authentic and explicit in the case-haram, the numbers are still too few. Being something that is not kosher-illicit information, is returned to the lawful and legal origin are included in the category dima'fukan God.
For this problem there is a hadith which states the following:
"What is God halalkan in his book, he is halal, and what He forbade, he was forbidden; is what He diamkannya, so he was allowed (ma'fu). Therefore, please accept from God kemaafannya that, because Allah would not forget one bit. " Then the Messenger of reading verses: and thy Lord is not lupa.2 (Historical Justice and Bazzar)
"The Prophet was asked about the ruling s.aw. shortening, cheese and forest ass, then he answered: What is lawful is: something that God halalkan in his book, and called the haram is: God forbid something in his book, is what He let stand, then he's the one that God forgive you for. " (History and Ibn Majah Tarmizi)
Messenger does not want to give an answer to the questioner by explaining one persatunya, but he returned to a rule that would have to rule that they can be forbidden by Allaah, the other being lawful and good.
And the word he is also,
"Allah hath requires several liability, then do not you waste him, and God has provided some limits, then you will not break him, and God forbid something, then do not you fight about him, and God has ignored some things as a sign of his love unto you, He does not forget, then do not you talk about him. " (History Daraquthni, dihasankan by an-Nawawi)
Here I also want to explain, that the rules of origin of everything is kosher is not just limited to the problem of objects, but include employment issues and actions that are not included rather than religious affairs, which we term the usual or customary Mu'amalat. Principal in this issue is not unlawful and is not bound, unless something is by syari 'itself has forbidden and dikonkritkannya according to the word of God:
"And God has been detailed to you something that He has forbidden for you." (Al-An'am: 119)
This verse is general, covering about food, coal, and other actions.
In stark contrast to religious affairs. He was solely religious affairs which is not specified, but from the way of revelation. For this reason, it is contained in the Hadith of the Prophet who said:
"Whoever makes a new way in our affairs, with something that does not exist for example, he was rejected." (Bukhari and Muslim)
This is because the essence of religion - or say worship - was reflected in two ways, namely:
1. Only God is worshiped.
2. To worship God, can only be done according to what disyariatkannya.
Therefore, whoever invent a way of worship which arises from itself - any kind - is an error that must be rejected. Because only syari'lah the right to determine ways of worship that can be used to bertaqarrub Him.
The Traditional or Mu'amalat problem, its source not from syari ', but the people themselves who create and hold. Syari 'in this task is to repair, align, educate and recognize, except in a few things that really going to bring the damage and harm.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: "Verily, human attitudes, both in the form of speech or actions are of two kinds: for the benefit of his religious worship, and the customary (habit) that they crave for the benefit of their world with terperincinya The Shari'a points, we can admit, that all worship that has been dibenarkannya, can only be determined by the provisions syara 'itself. "
The Indigenous issues are commonly used for the benefit of mankind according to their world what they need, the original is not forbidden. Everything is permissible, except those things which by God's way of prohibiting it is because the commands and prohibitions, are both prescribed for God. Medium of worship are included which should be governed. Therefore something that is not governed, how can convicted prohibited.
Imaam Ahmad and some other jurisprudent believes: principal in the affairs of worship is tauqif (based on the commandment of Allah and His Messenger). Therefore, worship should not be done, except if it has been prescribed by God. If not, then we will be included in what God is mentioned:
"Did they have allies who hold to their religion, something not allowed by God?" (As-Shura: 21)
Indigenous issues are in principle allowed. None of the forbidden, except that it was unlawful. If not, then we will be included in what is said of God:
"Say! Are you already know something that God revealed to you rather than sustenance, then you make from it is haram and halal? Say! What God has given you permission, or if you are lying on the (name of) Allah?" (Yunus: 59)
This is a rule which is a huge benefit. With that basis we also argues: that sell-bell, grants, leases and other indigenous people who always needed to organize their life such as food, drink and clothing. Religion brought some very good ethics, that is where the event that brings harm, unlawful; is a must, diwajibkannya. That is not feasible, dimakruhkan, are a clear lead maslahah, disunnatkan.
With that basis so people can make sale and lease as he pleases, as long as he is not forbidden by syara '. So also they can eat and drink at will, so long as he was not forbidden by syara ', although there are some who by syara' are sometimes disunnatkan and sometimes dimakruhkan. Something that by syara 'gave no restrictions, they can set according to the law absoluteness asal.3
Above principle, according to what is called the Hadith of the Prophet narrated by Imam Bukhari, from Jabir ibn Abdillah, he said:
"We never do 'azl'4, while the time is al-Quran is still down, otherwise it is forbidden, the Koran would be prohibited."
This suggests, that whatever silenced by the revelation, is not forbidden. They are free to do it, so there are passages that prohibit and prevent it.
Thus one of the companions of intelligence rather than perfection.
And with it all, set a rule: "The question of worship should not be done except with the Shari'a is ordained by God, and a customary law should not forbidden, except with the provisions of the proscribed by God."
Mathematics and Numbers Prima
by orion on June 18, 2009, 05:29:00
Prime numbers is the foundation of mathematics, including one of the mysteries of the universe. Never imagined by humans before, until it was found that a prime number is also the basis of natural life, which with great effort by science to explain this in science.

The view of people generally say that mathematics is just an ordinary human invention. Conversely, some past thinkers - Pythagoras, Plato, Cusanus, Kepler, Leibnitz, Newton, Euler, Gauss, including the revolutionary 20th century, Planck, Einstein and Sommerffeld - believe that the existence of numbers and geometric shapes is a concept of the universe and the concept free (independent).
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4974 Views | 21 Comments | Rating: (2 rates)
Go to Abstract
by MTK kingdom of Mataram on September 12, 2008, 01:16:00
Go to Series Abstract:

Understanding of abstract understanding seems still regarded as a difficult and even not applied. For people in the street, who may consider studying abstract mathematics as a madman.

Time that we must uncover what is abstract in mathematics? Is something not real? Hanyakah ngoyoworo hanyakah or imaginary people? Would like abstract algebra that is something just making it up or indeed need to go to there?

The following description will hopefully provide that understanding.
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4118 Views | 11 Comments | Rating: (3 rates)
Mystery of Black Hole Numbers: 123
by fts_aisha on August 12, 2008, 07:09:00

In astronomy and physics, we know there is a very interesting natural phenomenon is the black hole (black hole). Black hole is an entity that has a very strong gravitational fields so that every object that has fallen in the area of event horizon (the area around the core of a black hole), will not be able to run again.
Apparently, in mathematics there is also a unique phenomenon that is similar to the phenomenon of black holes is the number of black holes. How real numbers that black hole? Let's take a minute to play with numbers.
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9223 Views | 44 Comments | Rating: (17 rates)
Mystery Numbers Zero
by skuler on May 27, 2007, 12:29:00
Yusmichad Yusdja, staff researcher at the Research Center for Social and Economic Development and Agriculture IPB

Hundreds of years ago, people only knew the 9 symbol numbers 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Then, came the number 0, so that the number of symbol numbers into 10 pieces. It is unknown who the creator of the numbers 0, historical evidence shows only that the number 0 was first discovered in ancient Egyptian times. At that time only as the symbol zero. In modern times, the number zero is used not only as a symbol, but also as the numbers participating in mathematical operations. Now, use the number zero has infiltrated deep into the joints of human life. Counting system is no longer possible to ignore the presence of zero, even though it makes zero logical chaos. Let's see.

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Batik shorts

Citizens interested in France

SOME countries in the world is now infatuated with Indonesian product called batik. France became one export destination countries, although still less than batik other countries, such as the United States, Belgium, Germany, and England.

Is it true that Indonesian batik liked the people who live in a country fashion? Preferred style of batik what? Early reports following Kusmana Citizen Journalism Massabuau-author of the French-Tribun Kaltim Tribun Kaltim for the reader.

WEARING batik clothes in a country that has four seasons, it's completely hassle. There are several obstacles when she had to wear batik shirts. The basic ingredients originating from batik clothing cotton or silk cloth, it was not easy to use except in summer.

It is true that from early June to late summer, batik clothes we find in many places of tourists, especially coastal areas. Newfangled clothes and brightly patterned this became an easy target for the traveler. When summer comes, most French citizens would like to appear cheerful. This indicates their excitement will be the hot sun burning their bodies pale nan.

However, when winter comes, batik clothes seemed to disappear from circulation. Actually the French people, not the kind of person who wants to use patterned clothes. They prefer the classic colors and dark. It seemed, France does not match the name or nickname as a fashion center of the country. But there it was.

In my city, Montpellier, there are a couple who sell handicrafts (gift) of Indonesia, precisely at the Beach Palavas. Since a few years ago, Agus, the husband was bleeding in Yogyakarta, had opened the shop with his wife. The wife named Nathalie, from France.

Talk about batik clothes, they acknowledge that the products from Indonesia would only be sold when it enters the coming of spring to autumn. However, for home decor products such as batik or a small decoration (souvenir) arguably do not know the time. For that reason, they are not only selling batik clothing, but also other products such as handicrafts typical of Yogyakarta.

Batik clothes are sold an average of simple models. As a sleeveless dress for women, the usual batik cloth wrapped around the body as a cover for a stroll on the beach. And the trend today is the long and short pants (shorts) batik.

Fans start to adult children of both men and women. Men's shirt with batik pattern and color matching was not too obvious, too often targeted French citizens. Most of the best-selling batik clothing is clothing that can be used to frolic on the beach or create nyantai.
WHAT price? The price is on offer varies. Starting from 10 euros to 45 euros per piece. This price is not too expensive for travelers who use them only in one season. While batik clothing varies slightly with model or a particular design, is still difficult to use the French society.

This I know after talking with Daphne Barbedette, the only French people who have a special boutique selling designer clothes Indonesian batik creations, like Carmanita and Goddess Adby, in Paris. According to the owner of this Lali Puppet, batik clothing creations are still difficult to be consumed the French.

What causes it? In addition there is no culture in France wear batik clothes for a specific event such as Indonesia, batik is also due to special patterned clothes. As a result, many French citizens who have not dared to wear it. Different if the batik cloth that only a small scarf. It seemed more likely to be consumed and more easily combined with other clothing.

Because of several factors that, a woman who was married to Indonesian men had expressed its intention to close the store in the coming months. In fact, business has blazed the way it has stood since 2005. Too bad .... Whereas in France only he's the only woman who dared to open a clothing boutique Indonesian batik.

Our own people just do not have dared. I know it through consulates and embassies of Indonesia. According to them, most of Indonesian people who trade in France would prefer to sell crafts of Indonesia. While stores selling batik clothing, almost nothing.

In contrast to the batik as home decor. This product arguably easily found in stores and certainly do not recognize the decorations of the season. This kind of batik imported more French nationals from Indonesia. And it turns out the quality and style of batik, Indonesia is in the best categories above Malaysia.

Consequently, the typical Indonesian batik afraid dicontek by other countries because many had not had the patent. Fortunately, the Indonesian people in France still loyal to the batik clothes. Many of the husbands or the French woman who uses batik clothes smelling each to attend the Indonesiaan. They proudly and without feeling embarrassed. I respect and salute with their attitude that would appreciate the work of the Indonesian nation.

In my mind, if only they knew how the process of making batik and, of course, many who fall in love with batik. For example a husband or family to my friends, they're always excited and proud when we gave souvenirs batik cloth.

Usually, they always ask to wear them in advance when this batik clothing must be worn and on occasion? Last time my friend Charlotte came for a meal at our residence. He looks more elegant when wearing a blouse and batik scarf by-by from me. If you do not believe me, look how sweet and beautiful woman dressed as Indonesian batiks .... Indeed if already known, there must be a sense of affection and a sense of belonging ....