Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

The Secret Island Resort Gili Gede, West Lombok Islands

Special Offering For Sale in 2010
The Secret Island Resort Gili Gede, West Lombok Islands.

The secret island resort like shown in the picture is located on the south point of Gili Gede an island in Lombok.It is only 500 meters from Tembowong Lombok beach. This 3 side ocean view property provides an excellent location for visitor and private parties to truly enjoy, and many more “ Water Sport “ like snorkeling , fishing, travelling and others. We offering this special place for whose have good vision in bussines like Ciputra Corp. This place is laying on 6840 are area .
This offering is contain a lot of accommodations and facilities to support the visitors wants. Here are the facilities we sale :
1. 1 Villa Batu size 8,6 x 13,5 m wich have 2 bad room , kitchen ( mini bar ), and living room (each bad room have bath room inside)
2. 2 bad room under the Villa Batu (each bad room have bath room inside)
3. 7 standart bad room size 5 x 4 m ( each have bath room inside )
4. 1 Bungalow size 7 x 4,5 m on the top of hills
5. 1 Shop size 7,4 x 4,4 m
6. 1 Bungalow on the Doc over the sea , size 4 x 6 have 1 bad room inside
7. 1 Wood Villa (Villa kayu), size 12x12 wich have 3 stairs ( Private House) . it contain :
- First stair have 2 bad room
- Second stair have 2 bad room, kitchen, dining room and living room wich have good view to the sea
- Third stair is open room
8. 1 Restaurant , size 12,5x12,5 wich have 1 room for office up stairs, kitchen in down stairs.
9. 4 kayak or canoo ( Kano) from fibrglas
10. 1 set bilyard table
11. 1 Genset Mitshubisi machine for 20 thousand Watt
12. 1 Genset Donpeng machine for 10 thousand Watt
13. 1 Fiberglas boat ( Virscor) size 4,5x1,8 no machine
14. 1 Fiberglas speed boat (Scorpio) size 8,50x2,40 m by Yamaha 85 Pk machine
15. 1 Garage located at tembowong beach over the secret island resort Gili Gede wich have 1200 m area.
16. Include :
- Ijin lokasi
- Ijin Perairan untuk membangun diatas air laut (Doc)

That all we offering for you to sale by price Rp 20 M. I hope you not lose this chance to make your dream come true because this beautiful place was very exciting.
If you want to ask more information please call or sms this number :
085258417726 (c.p. IMAM BUKHARI) or send by email at tamanchohebat@yahoo.com
For more information and picture( photo) about the secret island resort profile you can see at http://www.secretislandresort.com/
We hope you not lose this special offering , thank you for your time and we waiting for you soon.

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