Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Origin of all things is Mubah
BASIC first set of Islam, is this: that God created something of origin is lawful and permissible. None are forbidden, except because there is a legitimate and explicit passages from syari '(which is authorized to make law itself, namely Allah and His Messenger) that mengharamkannya. If there is no passage of legitimate - for example, because there are some weak hadith - or there is no explicit passages (sharih) showing haram, then it remains as it came from, that is permissible.
Islamic scholars basing its provisions, that everything is permissible origin, as mentioned above, with the proposition verses of the Koran which, among others:
"He was the substance that makes for what you have on this earth, everything." (Al-Baqarah: 29)
"(God) has made it easier for you what is in heaven and what-what on earth all of it." (Al-Jatsiyah: 13)
"Know ye not that Allah has made it easier for you what is in the heavens and what is in the earth: and he hath perfected for you blessings and sustenance visible or invisible." (Luqman: 20)
God will not make this everything handed to humans and dikurniakannya, then He himself mengharamkannya. If not, why would he make, he submitted to the people and He kurniakannya?
Some things that God forbade it, precisely because there is reason and wisdom, which - God willing - will be mentioned later.
Thus arena forbidden in Islamic law it is actually very narrow, and in fact is these kinds of kosher arena is extensive. This is precisely these passages are authentic and explicit in the case-haram, the numbers are still too few. Being something that is not kosher-illicit information, is returned to the lawful and legal origin are included in the category dima'fukan God.
For this problem there is a hadith which states the following:
"What is God halalkan in his book, he is halal, and what He forbade, he was forbidden; is what He diamkannya, so he was allowed (ma'fu). Therefore, please accept from God kemaafannya that, because Allah would not forget one bit. " Then the Messenger of reading verses: and thy Lord is not lupa.2 (Historical Justice and Bazzar)
"The Prophet was asked about the ruling shortening, cheese and forest ass, then he answered: What is lawful is: something that God halalkan in his book, and called the haram is: God forbid something in his book, is what He let stand, then he's the one that God forgive you for. " (History and Ibn Majah Tarmizi)
Messenger does not want to give an answer to the questioner by explaining one persatunya, but he returned to a rule that would have to rule that they can be forbidden by Allaah, the other being lawful and good.
And the word he is also,
"Allah hath requires several liability, then do not you waste him, and God has provided some limits, then you will not break him, and God forbid something, then do not you fight about him, and God has ignored some things as a sign of his love unto you, He does not forget, then do not you talk about him. " (History Daraquthni, dihasankan by an-Nawawi)
Here I also want to explain, that the rules of origin of everything is kosher is not just limited to the problem of objects, but include employment issues and actions that are not included rather than religious affairs, which we term the usual or customary Mu'amalat. Principal in this issue is not unlawful and is not bound, unless something is by syari 'itself has forbidden and dikonkritkannya according to the word of God:
"And God has been detailed to you something that He has forbidden for you." (Al-An'am: 119)
This verse is general, covering about food, coal, and other actions.
In stark contrast to religious affairs. He was solely religious affairs which is not specified, but from the way of revelation. For this reason, it is contained in the Hadith of the Prophet who said:
"Whoever makes a new way in our affairs, with something that does not exist for example, he was rejected." (Bukhari and Muslim)
This is because the essence of religion - or say worship - was reflected in two ways, namely:
1. Only God is worshiped.
2. To worship God, can only be done according to what disyariatkannya.
Therefore, whoever invent a way of worship which arises from itself - any kind - is an error that must be rejected. Because only syari'lah the right to determine ways of worship that can be used to bertaqarrub Him.
The Traditional or Mu'amalat problem, its source not from syari ', but the people themselves who create and hold. Syari 'in this task is to repair, align, educate and recognize, except in a few things that really going to bring the damage and harm.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: "Verily, human attitudes, both in the form of speech or actions are of two kinds: for the benefit of his religious worship, and the customary (habit) that they crave for the benefit of their world with terperincinya The Shari'a points, we can admit, that all worship that has been dibenarkannya, can only be determined by the provisions syara 'itself. "
The Indigenous issues are commonly used for the benefit of mankind according to their world what they need, the original is not forbidden. Everything is permissible, except those things which by God's way of prohibiting it is because the commands and prohibitions, are both prescribed for God. Medium of worship are included which should be governed. Therefore something that is not governed, how can convicted prohibited.
Imaam Ahmad and some other jurisprudent believes: principal in the affairs of worship is tauqif (based on the commandment of Allah and His Messenger). Therefore, worship should not be done, except if it has been prescribed by God. If not, then we will be included in what God is mentioned:
"Did they have allies who hold to their religion, something not allowed by God?" (As-Shura: 21)
Indigenous issues are in principle allowed. None of the forbidden, except that it was unlawful. If not, then we will be included in what is said of God:
"Say! Are you already know something that God revealed to you rather than sustenance, then you make from it is haram and halal? Say! What God has given you permission, or if you are lying on the (name of) Allah?" (Yunus: 59)
This is a rule which is a huge benefit. With that basis we also argues: that sell-bell, grants, leases and other indigenous people who always needed to organize their life such as food, drink and clothing. Religion brought some very good ethics, that is where the event that brings harm, unlawful; is a must, diwajibkannya. That is not feasible, dimakruhkan, are a clear lead maslahah, disunnatkan.
With that basis so people can make sale and lease as he pleases, as long as he is not forbidden by syara '. So also they can eat and drink at will, so long as he was not forbidden by syara ', although there are some who by syara' are sometimes disunnatkan and sometimes dimakruhkan. Something that by syara 'gave no restrictions, they can set according to the law absoluteness asal.3
Above principle, according to what is called the Hadith of the Prophet narrated by Imam Bukhari, from Jabir ibn Abdillah, he said:
"We never do 'azl'4, while the time is al-Quran is still down, otherwise it is forbidden, the Koran would be prohibited."
This suggests, that whatever silenced by the revelation, is not forbidden. They are free to do it, so there are passages that prohibit and prevent it.
Thus one of the companions of intelligence rather than perfection.
And with it all, set a rule: "The question of worship should not be done except with the Shari'a is ordained by God, and a customary law should not forbidden, except with the provisions of the proscribed by God."

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