Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

20 Facts About the Horrible and Earth in our future

May 22, 2009 at 11:07 am (Articles)

Our earth will not last forever, while we rely on the earth to survive. We will all perish when the earth is destroyed by various reasons. It sounds very scary, but we need to realize that the earth's limited resources. The use of earth's resources recklessly today, can cause human lives end in ruin.
The scientists speculate about the changes the composition of the earth, whether it's about global warming or a mineral resource that has begun to decline. Let us observe how we are slowly but surely lead to the destruction created by our own hands.
So how is our future and the earth we live in? Here are the facts: Read the full entry »

Philosophy Fruit

January 20, 2009 at 9:52 pm (Reflections)

1. Corn Be, Do Guava Monkey.
Wrap a lot of corn seeds, while the cashew? Monkeys exhibited only seeds only.

Meaning: Do not showboat

2. Be the Banana tree. Read the full entry »

Update Again dech

January 10, 2009 at 8:24 am (Lord of Gawe),

Finally after so long ga 'again update the blog, er saturation in the atmosphere in the office, not sempet2 in dech read more to read this article in kumpulin on my blog.

Actually seeh dah ga 'brain sempet nech work on the blog, comenin ma coz on my B **** S continues to be a ga' spirit updates its data, but yes nyambi ngilangin kebosenan was occasionally allowed, because after do not stay too long turned a coment on the blog This many really ...

Thanks a lot you faithful readers of this blog ...

God Bless You

Islamic Psychology

January 10, 2009 at 8:15 am (Articles)

Man is a creature who thinks and feels and wills in which their behavior reflects what we think deeper, which is felt and wanted. Human beings can also be subjects and objects at the same time, besides he can appreciate the feelings of Islamic herself, she can also examine keberIslaman others. But what would the psychological meaning of Islam is different, because the Islamic cause different meanings in different people. For some, Islam is a religious ritual, like prayer and fasting, for others it is a devotion to fellow Muslims and even fellow human beings, for others again Islam is moral or good behavior, for yet another sacrifice for Islam is a belief, practice die before you die, or find a dead (istisyhad) for the sake of belief. Read the full entry »

Dr advice Sebrang Affairs (China)

January 9, 2009 at 8:30 pm (Reflections)

You may not believe this but extraordinary advice.
read until they run out, you'll learn something!

Give people more than they expect and
do it cheerfully. Read the full entry »

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